Thursday, February 28, 2008

English Lab: Most Memorable Image: The Leaning Tower of Pisa

I was in the third grade when I opened my social studies book and saw this tower leaning as if it was about to fall. Out of curiosity, I had to know why and how this tower was still managing to hold up despite the fact that it was leaning. So my teacher told me that it was the Leaning Tower of Pisa. She said it was a cathedral's bell tower in the Italian city of Pisa. It was so amazed at how a building could be leaning and not fall over. The picture at the right (taken from Wikepedia) is what amazed me that Tuesday afternoon in class. The picture in my book was actually a closer view with tourists outside taking photographs of it.
Eventually, I would like to take a trip to Italy and go see this historic piece of art. I want to stand from the level ground and actually look up at the Leaning Tower of Pisa and say to myself " It really is leaning.".

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